Welcome to the 2nd Annual Cal Bears Grand Slam
U13 Baseball Tournament
July 15 - 17 2022
Henning Park Baseball Complex, Caledonia ON
Caledonia Bears Minor Baseball would like to welcome all U13 Teams, "C" Level and below to join us for our 2nd Annual U13 Baseball Tournaments.
We are looking to host eight (8) U13 teams. The weekend will include a Home Run Derby and an On-Site BBQ.
3 Game Guarantee
Fees: $475.00
Classification: "C" and Below Teams, Tier 2 & Select teams are also welcome
Registration - For Online Registration go to: 2nd Annual Cal Bears Grand Slam U13 Baseball Tournament
Henning Park
15, 123 Greens Rd, Caledonia, ON
Caledonia, ON, Canada N0A 1R0
Caledonia Park Diamond Map