1st Annual Cal Bears Grand Slam
U11-U13 Baseball Tournament
July 16 - 18 2021
Henning Park Baseball Complex, Caledonia ON
1. Ontario Baseball Association (O.B.A.) Constitution and Official Rules shall apply
2. Payment of Entry Fee will apply as an appearance bond and will not be refunded
3. A team roster approved by the Baseball Ontario Affiliate Registrar must be available in the event player eligibility is questioned.
4. Managers and coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players and anyone involved with the team, both on and off the field.
5. Lineup cards must be presented ten (10) minutes prior to the game to the official scorekeeper.
6. Games will commence promptly on time as per schedule. Barring extenuating circumstances, any team unable to field nine (9) eligible players within 15 minutes of the scheduled starting time will forfeit.
7. Home team will be determined prior to the start of all games (including the playoff round) as follows:
a. Round Robin by the flip of a coin with the team travelling the farthest making the call.
b. Playoff Round by the flip of a coin, with the higher seed making the call.
8. The decision of the umpire(s) is final. There will be no protest of judgement calls by the umpire(s). Protests will be resolved on the field by the Protest Committee. To file a protest a fee of $50 cash must be paid to the Protest Committee prior to being heard. Time-limit will stop at the time of the protest and will begin when it is resolved
9. In case of rain or other delays, the tournament schedule may be revised at convenor's discretion.
10. Ejection from any tournament game will result in an automatic suspension from the next scheduled game and/or the balance of the tournament depending on the circumstances.
11. There will be NO infield practice permitted before any scheduled game.
12. There is NO courtesy runner for the catcher allowed. Players must be legally substituted for as per the Official Rules of Baseball and the Baseball Ontario re-entry rule.
13. Tournament awards are set at eighteen (18) per team.
14. Game Length:
a. A game will be 7 innings in length (6.5 innings if the home team is winning).
b. A 7-inning game will be considered a complete game after 4 innings of play, or 3 1/2 innings if the home team is ahead. - (Section 7.3 m)
c. No new inning will start after 1 hour & 45 minutes have elapsed from the time of the first pitch.
d. The umpire should notify both teams and the scorekeeper of the time of the first pitch.
e. If the home team is winning and is at bat when the time limit is reached, the game will be stopped. The score at the time of the stoppage will be recorded as the official score. Number of outs at the time of stoppage will also be recorded.
f. CMBA reserves the right to reduce game times due to weather.
g. Semi Finals will be a 2-hour Time Limit game.
h. The Final game will be a full 7 Inning game, no time limit.
15. Mercy Rules:
a. An eighteen (18) run mercy will apply after 3 innings, fifteen (15) run mercy will apply
b. after 4 innings and a ten (10) run mercy after 5 innings.
c. These mercy rules apply to all games, including semi finals and the final.
16. In the event of a forfeit during the round robin play, a score of 7-0 will be recorded with 1 run being awarded per inning to the winning team.
17. Pitch Counts:
a. Baseball Ontario Pitch Counts will be strictly enforced per Rules P2.10 & P2.11.
b. Pitch Counts of the “Official Pitch Counter” will be the only numbers used by the Umpires during a game regardless of what numbers (Pitch Counts) any coach or spectator may have – no appeal or protest of the numbers recorded will be permitted. It is recommended that coaches check the Pitch Count of a pitcher as recorded by the “Official Pitch Counter” at the conclusion of each inning.
c. Coaches shall sign the Official Game Sheet immediately following the conclusion of the game acknowledging the Pitch Counts of the pitchers used during that game. In the event of a discrepancy in numbers, the Pitch Counts of the “Official Pitch Counter” shall stand. In the event a coach fails to sign the Game Sheet, the Pitch Counts recorded will be considered official and no appeal or protest of the numbers will be allowed at a later time. It is recommended that coaches initial the pitch count of a pitcher as recorded by the “Official Pitch Counter” immediately upon a pitching change.
18. In pool play standings will be determined by the number of points earned as follows:
a. 2 points for a Win
b. 1 Point for a Tie
c. 0 Points for a Loss
Standings within pool play will be based on points earned. Any situations requiring there to be a tie breaker to determine pool play standings, the following will be used.
All tie Breakers will follow section 7.3 v of the OBA constitution:
a. teams with a forfeit loss are ineligible for tiebreakers
b. head-to-head record among tied teams;
c. team with the smallest runs against ratio (runs allowed/number of defensive innings played) in games among tied teams;
d. team with the smallest runs against ratio (runs allowed / number of defensive innings played) in all games;
e. team with the highest runs for ratio (runs scored / number of offensive innings played) in games among tied teams;
f. team with the highest runs for ratio (runs scored / number of offensive innings played) in all games;
g. coin toss
When there are 3 or more teams tied, the tiebreakers will exclude (ii). After the winner of that tie breaker is determined, the tiebreakers will continue, if necessary, excluding (ii), as long as there are 3 or more teams tied. When only 2 teams remain, the tiebreaker will start at (i).
In determining the Seedings for the playoff round, the following formulas will apply: Top 2 Seeds - Top team from each division, will be seeded Seed # 1, Seed # 2, and move onto the Semi-Finals Round based on the following:
a. Number of Points earned- Win= 2 Point, Tie= 1 Point, Lose= 0 Point
b. teams with a forfeit loss are ineligible for tiebreakers
c. head-to-head record among tied teams;
d. team with the smallest runs against ratio (runs allowed/number of defensive innings played) in games among tied teams;
e. team with the smallest runs against ratio (runs allowed / number of defensive innings played) in all games;
f. team with the highest runs for ratio (runs scored / number of offensive innings played) in games among tied teams;
g. team with the highest runs for ratio (runs scored / number of offensive innings played) in all games;
h. coin toss
It is Important to Note that the Cal Bears Organization cannot guarantee that the Seeding that appears on the Cal Bears website is correct and will match the tie break rules above. Please do not assume that the seeding in the website will determine who moves onto the Semi Finals Round. In the event of a tie break, please refer to the Tournament Director for a final decision on seeding.
19. CMBA will provide the official scorekeeper & official pitch-counters for each game. After each game pitch counts are to be checked carefully and added to the top copy of the score sheet. Both teams are to initial when confirmed. Any discrepancies are to be dealt with at that time. There will no changes made after they are handed in. If you do not verify the pitch count after the game, the submitted counts will be used.
20. Caledonia Minor Baseball Association (CMBA or Cal Bears) and its officials accept no responsibility for any injuries, damages or losses to anyone during the tournament.
Thank You for participating in the Cal Bears 1st Annual U11-U13 Grand Slam Tournament, we are happy to host you. Throughout the tournament, please show the proper respect to all Umpires, coaches, opposing parents and most importantly the kids. We are here for the kids all weekend. Please make it a great weekend of baseball; for them and all in attendance.
Yours In Baseball
CAL Bears Executive